Chanukah Unwrapped – part II – Sufganiyot: The Mystery

What’s inside your Sufganiyot?

Sufganiyot are special not only because they are fried but also because of the hidden surprises they contain. Ask your parent ambassadors to recall those special moments, the hidden benefits they have reaped as a result of their letting you be their partners in educating their children. Suggest that they think about the issues they struggled with when they were deciding if they should choose your school – and how these benefits have convinced them that their decision was correct.

Share your own stories as springboards for your parents. But encourage them to think of their own, more personal narratives. These personal stories are the ones that will ring most true and will therefore be most compelling.

Add Sizzle: Once your ambassadors-in-training think of their stories, help them add sizzle and spice.

Encourage them to rehearse, so they will feel comfortable, not robotic.

Talk to them about effective word choice. Active, concrete language will transform mundane stories into compelling, convincing drama (just as spices, eggs, and oil turn bland potatoes into sizzling latkes)!

Click here to read Chanukah Unwrapped – part I

My team and I are here to help you communicate effectively, increase visibility and loyalty, recruit and retain students, and raise needed funds. To discuss your needs, send me an email or call 516.569.8070. Wishing you a happy and healthy Chanukah!

Kol tuv,

Candace Plotsker-Herman